Return To Training – Summer 2021/22


Training: Tuesday 26th October

Please read the below information that is important to the resumption of baseball. These are non-negotiable and need your compliance. Remember, the folks that are running the show are volunteers and are doing their best to ensure you enjoy your baseball and experience at North Coburg as much as possible. Please don’t argue about things that are out of our control.
To keep this as simple as possible:

*All players and coaches need to have completed the Return to Training registration below (even if you did it last time, you need to do it again)

*Players and coaches must enter through the gate @ first base. (Closest to the batting cage). It’s a single point of entry.

*Players and coaches MUST use the QR code when entering. I suggest adding the QR Code to your favourite list in your Vic Services App for ease of entry.

*There will be a Covid Marshall asking if you have checked and registered. Failure to have done either or refusal to do either will result in you being asked to leave the field immediately.

*Masks are to be worn to and from the ground and if possible during training. They can be removed for strenuous exercise though.

*Contrary to what was advised last week players DO NOT need to be fully vaccinated to participate in community sports training in Moreland.

*Groups need to be limited to 20 players and coaches per group. If required we will run two groups on the ground but these groups cannot mix together during that training session.

*Clubrooms are off-limits. Come ready to train. Public toilets will be available.

*The batting cage is off-limits at this stage.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask here, private message or email us at the club.
This, as always, is ever-changing. What is in place this week may not be in place next week, and potentially not in place by the 24th of November. The season is still expected to commence on the 14th of November.

Further reading:

Can I play community sport?
Yes. Community sport can resume but in outdoor settings and for training purposes only. Competitions are not permitted.
Attendance must be limited to the minimum number of people required to participate and train (e.g. players, coaches).
Spectators are not allowed, except to supervise children (one adult per child or sibling group only).
Face masks must be worn, except when doing strenuous exercise or another lawful exception applies.

Am I required to be vaccinated to play community sport?
Outdoor physical recreation and sporting facilities such as swimming pools and leisure centres are open.
If these facilities are used for community sport (organised competitive sports with membership), patrons participating or facilitating community sport (e.g. players, coaches, volunteers) do not need to be fully vaccinated to access the facility.
Patrons 16 years and older attending outdoor physical recreation and sporting facilities for purposes other than community sport must be fully vaccinated (or have an exception) to access the facility if the facility is open for fully vaccinated people (including workers).
This is in recognition that mixed-aged groups participate in community sport, and teams with players unable to be vaccinated should not be at a disadvantage if they aren’t old enough to be fully vaccinated.